Please click on the popcorn kernel registration button below to register your pack, troop, crew, or post to sell popcorn. Prize order sheet 2019 excel prize sheet prize 2019 order sheet with pdf format. Click the submit transfer request to complete the form. The scout email is the address that will be in the emails that go out to your recipients. Placing popcorn orders on the trails end popcorn system. Popcorn boy scouts of america chippewa valley council. Deadline to submit twoweek order form blitz prize order form to council september 17 initial popcorn distribution. In the top right corner, click the white circle to display a dropdown list of options. Trail s end does not accept faxes, zipped files, or files over 10mb. You may also enter the information for an additional person in your unit. Trails end popcorn indianapolis, in business information. Unit leaders guide contents general sale information timeline pg.
The trails end system makes it easy for you to manage all aspects of your popcorn sale. For many scout families, summer camp andor other annual events. The first name and last initial are the scouts name. National capital area council popcorn leader guide. Instructions for creating an online account at trails end.
These sales can be made by going doortodoor, over the phone, or to friends, neighbors and parents coworkers. Trails end iris gardens 2019 order form how to order. The username is the name you will use to log into the scout account. If you dont have a login sheet please contact michelle at the council office 7616000. A food bank donation sends popcorn to local food banks. This form may be submitted by the scout or council. This falls popcorn sale looks to be the best ever from trails end and northern star council. Be sure each scout keeps a copy of his order list so he can deliver the popcorn when he gets it. Scouts can share the whitleys peanut factory online fundraising site at. Order popcorn from your council to sell and earn needed funds for your unit. Product is picked up by the unit scouts deliver product to customers tip. A copy of each paper order form used in the spring andor fall sale. Do you have an electronic copy or pdf version of the traditional order form. Provided by trails end theres more to selling scouts popcorn than just cool prizes.
Click on the order form link beside the scouts name to enter his order. It is how they make most of their money for summer camp and other scout functions during the year. Place the unit prize order side navigation record scouts shownsell amounts in the scout tracking page click the prize order button i. Use the login and password page from your popcorn packet. This is an officially approved councilunit moneyearning project that many packs, troops and crews participate in. The parent email will be used to approve the scout account. The popcorn sales program enables your unit to do the things they want without running many fund raisers. The popcorn is pouring in and we are busy dispersing it to va hospitals, national guard. We are using the trails end prize system which are amazon gift cards. Take order sales are sales made by the scout using the popcorn order form see bottom of this page. Money raised during the annual sale helps support the local units and the scouting program in the bay area council, including council operations. Our trained popcorn staff and volunteers will help your unit plan and execute the best and most efficient fundraiser your unit has ever had.
What happens to my scouts existing scholarship funds. Watch this video for help setting up your online selling page. For over 35 years, trails end has been in partnership with the boy scouts of america, and our mission has always been the same. Letter of recommendation from an educator or scout leader 3. Trails end system manual unit reference guide trails end. Trails end does not accept faxes, zipped files, or files over 10mb. Final popcorn order resources minsi trails council, inc. Take order sales due on trails end system and prize orders due on prize website.
The registration system will ask for basic information about you. By selling popcorn in the fall, you can support an entire year of scouting for your unit. The scout should collect the money at the time of order and then delivers the product to his customers a few weeks later. The weaver popcorn company, based in van buren, indiana, is one of the largest popcorn companies in the united states history. Popcorn sale fundraising program for scouts and scouters in cascade pacific council, bsa, which serves the greater portland, oregon area.
Select scoutparent as the type of account you would like to register 4. Take order door to door by going door to door with the order form, this method is the most traditional way to sell. Customers can also place their order on the trails end app credit cards are accepted with no fees. August 1 st sale starts early bird brochures are in the mail so start taking orders when you get yours. Jeopardy popcorn game template 17mb pptx handout from june extravaganza 2019. Popcorn sale northern lights council boy scouts of america. After you have logged in with the old login and password you may change it. Place the unit popcorn order unit order menu enter scout orders scout tracking menu take order only enter and submit unit order for council to approve. Boy scouts of america 2017 popcorn sale2017 popcorn sale three fires council. Do you want to try delicious scout popcorn but havent had a scout come to your door yet. Cub scout flyer template fresh cub scout popcorn sale 1 4 flyer made with. Where can i get more information about trail s end rewards and the different reward tiers. Payment can be made at the time of order or when the popcorn is delivered.
What better opportunity to help them prepare for the future. All you have to do is contact your local council office. Home pathway to adventure council boy scouts of america. September 418 twoweek take order blitz order form sales begin on september 4 september 21 by 5. Trails end popcorn is something my sons boy scout troop sells every fall. The popcorn sale is a way to encourage scouts to have financial accountability for their program and earn their way. Weaver, whose family still controls the company, it develops, grows, processes, packages, and ships a variety of popcorn products for sale around the world. You can collect money for products at the time of the sale, or you may collect money at the time of delivery. Once the popcorn arrives, you deliver to your door to door customers and collect any outstanding money. Your purchase helps pave the way to adventures for the entire year. Done right, popcorn can and should be the only fundraiser your unit needs to do to fund your program for the year. The popcorn sale is a way for a scout to support their way through various activities during the year. Trails end popcorn specializes in business services at noncommercial site. Each customer chooses the products he or she wishes to buy and writes the order on the scouts form.
Cascade pacific council of the boy scouts of america is the local scouting organization in northwest oregon and southwest washington. This completed form signed by your council popcorn staff advisor. August 1, 2015 november 30, 2015 popcorn order and distribution dates. The drop down menu will close and the next page will have spaces for various information.
Product sold online is shipped directly to the purchaser, and the scout gets the credit. In order for your college, university, vocational or technical school to receive your scholarship payment, you must email the following documents to. Click on the popcorn system link in the top right hand corner of the screen. Sold exclusively by the boy scouts of america to help fund their programs and activities. Use the order form provided by the pack and go door to door to sale popcorn. The trails end popcorn sale has made several exciting new. Jerry spent part of his friday night teaching new cub scout pack 42 leaders how to run the pinewood derby.
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